Ngatuhoa Lodge Hazard and Risk Management 'HARM' forms have been developed to support you in running ten activities.

Each HARMS form is below as a downloadable PDF file - approx 650 KB each.

These are up-to-date as of 2019.  











Waterway Hazards

  • Extreme care is needed near waterways
  • Security fences may be electrified
  • There maybe strong currents around intakes
  • Water levels may change without warning
  • Tunnel flows may start or stop without warning
  • Rubber dam may deflate at any time
  • Keep clear of all waterway intakes and fenced structures
  • No motor boats allowed
  • Lifejackets must be worn when canoeing and tubing
  • Do not enter tunnels

Lost Person Procedures

Group Leader/Teacher has overall responsibility for Search and Rescue until Police Search Controller arrives on scene. The Lodge committiee strongly recommends that the advice of the resident Caretaker be heeded.

  1. That the control and safety of all members of the group be organised/Delegated.
  2. The group of members be carefully (individually) questioned to establish to the best of your ability the last known location of the lost person/party.
  3. Consult with caretaker regarding  cut off points and likely recovery of lost party.
  4. Ring Police to warn of a possible search that may be required. 07 577 4300 (ask for duty SAR officer)
  5. Establish clothing, equipment and footwear (tread pattern) of lost persons and any medical conditions.
  6. Send search teams or blockers out. Search teams should be experienced calm people equipped with whistles and times for reporting back in.
  7. If initial search fails to locate lost persons, inform Police and Headmaster, parents etc. Plan to extract the other children back to town if the SAR personnel need the accommodation, leave the cooks.
  8. Assist SAR.

Emergency Communication

An emergency phone is available for use located on the corner of the ablution block. This phone can dial out only and can only call 111.

Follow instruction son phone to dial 111.

Ring 111 and ask either for Police, Ambulance or Fire.

If the caretaker is not available to get cell phone coverage, go to the top of the hill either by abseiling platform or the Forest Park sign on the road in.

For a medical emergency:

Ambulance by road:
Ring then drive out to the gate to meet and guide ambulance in.

Ambulance by air:
Helicopter the playing field is the landing area.
Lat S370 53' 13.1sec
Long E'1760 01' 16.3sec
NZMS 50 Grid Ref E 1865692 N 5802423 

For a lost party:

An early warning to the local police LSAR incident Manager is advised.
Tauranga Police Station 07 577 4300
(Ask for the Duty SAR officer.)